J. Postel
IEN 145                                                              ISI
                                                             29 May 1980

               Internet Meeting Notes - 14 & 15 May 1980


   The meeting was held at the Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) at
   MIT.  Dave Clark was the host.


   Vint Cerf put forward the problem of internet computer mail as a
   topic that must be addressed in the next few months.  This would be
   an interim system not expected to support multimedia mail but to
   operate on TCP and to provide some mechanism for interworking NCP
   supported mail with TCP supported mail.

   Another issue is gateway-host interaction, especially for congestion

   A third topic is routing in a large packet radio environment with
   optional use of backbone point-to-point links.


   A.  ARPA

      Vint Cerf reported that the IP and TCP specifications (IENs 128
      and 129) are now stamped as DOD standards.  DCEC will serve as the
      focus for coordinating this within DOD.  A seminar for DOD people
      is planned for July at NBS to explain TCP.

      The monthly reports are very useful, but still needed are some
      milestone schedules, for planning and cross project coordination.

   B.  BBN

      Dale McNeill reviewed the work on the VAN gateway, noted the
      arrival of the FAX equipment, described the installation of the
      PSP terminal at TANUM, and noted that improvements have been made
      to the CMCC software.

      Mike Brescia described the VAN gateway in more detail.  The
      operation of the gateway is still some way off.  Current activity

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      focuses on the X.25 interfaces.  At this point there was an
      extended discussion of low level interface options.

      Jack Haverty described the work on the Unix IP and TCP.  Most
      recently a version using shared memory for user/TCP communication
      has been tested and is 2 to 3 times faster than the older "pipes"
      version.  Work is just beginning on an IP and TCP for VAX Unix.
      This version will be in the kernel and will include the
      fragmentation and reassembly features.  Also in progress are a TCP
      for a HP 3000, and a TCP-TIP in a 316.  There was also some
      discussion of which versions of Unix are involved:  The VAX Unix
      is version 7, the current 11/70 Unix is version 6.  Jack also
      mentioned some performance measurements using a traffic generator.
      This will be documented in a forthcoming IEN.

      Ruth Nelson briefly discussed a local net project at BBN which is
      building a net based on the CHAOS net design.  There is now a
      system with two interfaces which is tested by linking two

      Bill Plummer reported on the TENEX/TOPS20 IP and TCP status.  A
      number of improvements have been made to the debugging version at
      BBNF and these should soon be distributed and installed at other
      sites.  Among the improvements are:  a resolution of the "data
      stream capture problem," an update to the internet user queues, an
      improvement to the gateway functions - especially updating the
      gateway table.  Bill has also prepared an "Installation Guide for

      Ginny Strazisar reported that the last ELF based gateway has been
      converted to MOS, and that the first gateway running in an LSI-11
      has been delivered to SRI.  Also a three port gateway is working.


      Hoi Chong reported that there are currently a few problems with
      the COMSAT gateway which seem to be related to a power supply.
      Also it was noted that the line to NSRDC will be removed at the
      end of May.  The IP and TCP used in the COMSAT hosts has been
      improved and these programs now support the timestamp option.  The
      FAX machine and protocols are in place and ready to be used, what
      is needed is a common FTP to move the bits to other sites.  COMSAT
      was particularly active in the "Bakeoff" as reported in several
      messages.  Within COMSAT there is an investigation of a local net
      to link some PDP-11 and IBM computers.  Hoi also distributed a
      memo on COMSATs internet activities and milestones.

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   D.  DCA

      Ed Cain reported that the DCEC gateway had been considerably
      improved with help from Bill Plummer, Dave Mills and others.  Ed
      also reported that DCEC role in the DOD protocol standards will
      have three aspects:  (1) Executive Agent, (2) Review Panel, (3)
      Laboratory.  This Laboratory will be based on the EDN.

   E.  DOD

      Ray McFarland reported that a group in his office building a TCP
      2.5 for a PDP 11/34 with Unix (v.6).  This group needs software
      for Telnet and Echo processes.  Ray also discussed his role as an
      information coordinator in DOD.  He receives many requests for
      information from within DOD.  He needs help in fielding these
      questions.  In particular more data on performance would be very

   F.  ISI

      Jon Postel reported that multi-media mail system is being
      redesigned, and that a new draft of the MPM specification is
      available.  Also good progress has been made in the investigation
      of program verification tools for protocol analysis - especially
      AFFIRM.  ISI has ordered 4 computer readable clocks which maintain
      their time by listening to WWVB.  Jon also described the recent
      movement of users between the various machines at ISI.

   G.  Linkabit

      Estil Hoversten reported that Linkabit is not much involved in the
      internet activities directly, but rather in the details of SATNET
      and the WBC project.  Estil and Danny Cohen are working on an
      overview paper.

   H.  LL

      Jim Forgie noted that one goal of his project is to demonstrate
      point-to-point speech via the WBCNET in FY 80.  This may be hard
      to do due to the slippage in the schedule for some of the key
      pieces.  Lincoln is going ahead with the development of the voice
      terminals and their access path -- the LEXNET.  In cooperation
      with ISI programs are being written to support NVP2, ST, and IP.
      Lincoln is using the ISI developed EPOS system for this project.

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   I.  MIT

      Dave Clark reported on the various systems at MIT and their
      interconnections.  Things are getting quite complex.  (1) Unix:
      MIT has a copy of the IP/TCP from BBN, which MIT modified to have
      a user accessible IP interface.  A TFTP was installed in this
      host.  (2) Multics has had only small changes since last time,
      there is now a Name Server.  (3) The ALTOs now have IP, UDP and
      TFTP in BCPL running; IP, TCP and Telnet (with SUPDUP) in MESA are
      being programmed.

      Dave noted that the lack of implementation of fragmentation and
      reassembly is causing problems.

      Dave gave some performance measures of the local network at MIT
      (LCSNET v1) which indicate very high reliability and very low
      average load.  However there is some trouble interfacing MIT-XX (a
      TOPS20) to this local net.

      Dave noted that version 2 of this network is in hardware testing
      and that the Nu Machine (a personal computer being developed at
      MIT) will interface to the version 2 LCSNET.

   J.  MITRE

      Anita Skelton reported that starting with a half completed Z8000 C
      cross-compiler obtained from MIT, the compiler was finished, an
      assembler and loader was written.  Then starting with BBN's C
      version of SRI's MOS, the interprocess communication was modified,
      the terminal handler was rewritten, and device drivers were added;
      MOS is running in the Z8000.  MITRE is now converting the MOS-TCP
      to C, rewriting large portions and following the DOD spec.

      There are two Z8000 development boards interfaced to the MITRE
      cable, with the cable contention algorithms coded, and packets
      have been exchanged on the cable.  MITRE hopes to have TCP running
      in the Z8000s soon.

      The next step is to implement Telnet and interface the 11/70 to
      the Z8000.  The intention is to have a high speed DMA interface to
      the 11/70 via the UMC-Z80 and also a parallel interface via the
      DR11-C, so that comparable measurements with TCP running over the
      cable can be made.  (These measurements for the older interface
      unit have been made).

      In addition, a cable bus test bed will be installed at DCA in
      Reston.  The interface units will be Z8000 based and built by
      Reaction Instruments; the interface units will sell for about

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      $4000 with a parallel host port and two terminal ports
      (asynchronous and synchronous).  The cable will sit between the
      IMP and the NFE, with terminals attached to the cable, and one
      Z8000 unit will act as a gateway.

   K.  NDRE

      Yngvar Lund reported that NDRE is investigating a local network
      with HDLC interfaces to the connected computers.  The connected
      computers will be built up of modules based on Z80 processors and
      programmed to support voice protocol, HDLC, TCP, etc.

   L.  RSRE

      Andy Bates noted the work on Extended Memory MOS was reported in
      IEN 136.  IP was recoded in CORAL66 for EMOS and a recoding of TCP
      is planned.  Modems to upgrade the RSRE-UCL line are on order.
      Work is in progress on a gateway between PPSN and PSS.

   M.  SRI

      Ron Kunzelman gave an overview of SRI's activities and a brief
      rundown on hardware available.  Ron discussed some instrumentation
      efforts underway at SRI.  A PDP 11/44 is on order to aid in this

      Ed Perry discussed some of the problems with the Ft. Bragg
      installation of the Packet Radio net.  The gateway (or attached
      nets) seem to have a low packet/second throughput limit.  This is
      causing the higher level protocols to be modified to use fewer
      packets (e.g., a "half duplex" user mode).

      There was some discussion at this point of XNET and again the
      problem of "big" datagrams.  It really is important to have
      fragmentation and reassembly implemented everywhere.

      Holly Nelson reported on the port expander.  New versions were
      delivered to Ft. Bragg and UCL.

      A new directory has been set up for the current version of TIU
      software.  It is <TIU-SOFTWARE> on SRI-KL.  News of interest to
      TIU programmer or others concerned with MOS software should be
      sent to the MOS-Users-List run by Noel Chiappa.

   N.  UCL

      Rob Cole related the recent activities at University College.
      There are many pieces of equipment at UCL connected in complicated

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      ways.  The current focus is a local "Cambridge Ring" network.  The
      NIFTP now works on ISIE and an LSI-11 host.  There is a revised
      specification of NIFTP forthcoming.  UCL has a grant to provide a
      computer mail service between UK and US university users.  There
      is a major concern about cost of transmission via IPSS, so current
      focus is on multi-destination mail in single transmission.

      The PDP-9s which serve as a gateway between the ARPANET and EPSS
      will die if either EPSS changes or the 32-bit leaders in the
      ARPANET go away.  The PIXIE device is no longer is use.

   O.  UCLA

      Bob Braden reported on the IP and TCP in the IBM 3033 at UCLA.
      The operating system is VM with OS-MVT.  The IP and TCP are
      running and the 96-bit leader (24 bit address) support is
      installed.  Further work is needed in the area of "gateway"
      functions in the IP.  In TCP some work is needed in the ACK policy
      area.  One can poke this system via telnet.  Try "NETSTAT" and

   P.  XEROX

      Vint Cerf read the following report sent in by John Shoch:

      1.  We have contributed our efforts to measure the effectiveness
      of the Packet Radio Network when used as part of the Pup
      environment.  IEN 138 describes some of the (disappointing)
      results obtained with the new IPRs; we are in the process of
      moving one of the radios, however, and plan to replicate the tests
      in the near future.

      2.  IEN 140 is a paper prepared with Danny Cohen and Ed Taft,
      outlining the use of "mutual encapsulation" as a means to support
      the coexistence of the Pup protocols and the IP protocols.

      3.  On Tuesday, May 13, Xerox joined with DEC and Intel to
      announce the results of an effort to establish a common
      specification for a local network, based upon the Ethernet

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   Andy Bates reported that RSRE conducted further measurements (since
   the last meeting).  Their findings again indicate a large spread in
   the delay through the concatinated ARPANET and SATNET.  Some
   speculated that the ARPANET introduces this spread.  The RSRE group
   suggest that it would be appropriate to introduce a provision for a
   negotiated retransmission option.  Also a larger window would help.

   Rob Cole presented the results of some recent measurements made by
   UCL of the gateway and SATNET.  The gateway at UCL was able to echo
   packets at 34 packets/second.  When the path was extended to the BBN
   gateway, the UCL gateway accepted 14 packets/second, but very few
   echo replies were received from the BBN gateway.  A port expander in
   the path did not pose a limit on either measurement.


   Jim Mathis presented his procedure for routing.  The main points are
   first pick any gateway, second refine the chance to the best gateway
   and third detect the failure of that gateway should it occur.

      o  Pick a Prime gateway
      o  Poll it at a slow rate
      o  Send to the Prime gateway
      o  Accept and act on a Redirect message
      o  Ping gateway in use if higher level protocol complains
      o  Periodically change the Prime gateway

   Does this procedure get unstable in high load?

   IENs 109 and 131 should be reviewed by host IP implementors.


   Jon Postel reported on draft specifications for Telnet and FTP for
   TCP.  For Telnet the key changes are that ICP is eliminated and the
   single full duplex connection is between ports U and L.  Another
   change is that the Telnet SYNCH becomes DM + Urgent, but one can't
   count Urgents in the way one used to count Interrupts.

   For FTP, again ICP is eliminated for the control connection, which is
   now the full duplex connection between ports U and L.  The major
   change here is the elimination of the BYTE command and all that
   implies.  Other changes affect the defaults for the data connection
   and the "third party" transfers.  The MAIL and MLFL commands are
   included in the specification, and the new reply codes are used.

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   Vint Cerf reported that BBN has formed a separate BBN Computer
   Company.  This company sells a C-30 machine (formerly known as an
   MBB).  The current C-30 emulates an H316.

   Some things on the queue for IMP improvements are:

   1.  extend the memory capacity of the C-30 IMP program
   2.  make software changes to support more than 4 hosts
   3.  provide HDLC interfaces for hosts
   4.  investigate the non blocking interface
   5.  provide logical addressing for hosts

   Note also that a TCP-TIP is being developed with the TCP/Telnet code
   in a H316 and the IMP part in a C-30.


   David Flood Page gave a brief review and a demonstration of the CMCC
   functions.  Basically the CMCC programs collect data from cooperating
   gateways and display the results on a terminal.  The programs reside
   at ISIE  in directory <CMCC>.  The key program is CMCC-DISPLAY.  Some
   files in this directory give helpful information about the program.
   These are:  HELP.TXT, NEWS.TXT, and SESSION.TXT.  Further information
   can be obtained from David via sndmsg to DFloodPage@BBNE.  Please see
   also IEN 131 and 132.  The demo went very well and these programs
   should be useful to any gateway builder.


   Ken Shotting presented some results of studying the IP specification
   for a formal description.  The key result is the identification of
   ambiguous areas in the specification.  In particular, the interaction
   of the fragmentation procedure and the return route option is one
   cause for concern.  Another issue is the use of the identification


   Danny Cohen led a discussion of the problems arising from assumptions
   about which end of a word/page/..., bytes are transmitted from.  This
   is a holy war between the big-endians and the little-endians (see IEN
   137).  Noel Chiappa and Danny were appointed as a small group to
   argue about it.

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   Radia Perlman presented some ideas on how to handle mobile host
   (e.g., flying packet radios) based on having the gateways do most of
   the work.  This approach is based on the gateway using a "link-state"
   routing procedure and a method of handling partitioned nets as if
   each partition were a separate net.  The method presented is related
   to but not identical with that presented in IEN 120.  A revision of
   IEN 120 will be forthcoming.

   Carl Sunshine presented an alternate strategy for dealing with mobile
   hosts which makes the hosts do most of the work.  This scheme uses
   the existing IP source routing option and a new GCP message.  It
   calls for a new host (or special functions in an existing host or
   gateway) to support (1) forwarding and (2) a global name server.  New
   messages are needed in the gateway protocol (IEN 109) to relay
   information about a mobile host's current location to the name server
   and the "connected" hosts.  This procedure is described in IEN 135.
   This procedure may also be workable for multihomed hosts and as a
   least effort solution to the partition problem.

   Clearly a decision must be made as to whether these problems are to
   be solved within the gateways or not.

   Vint Cerf described another routing problem.  This problem arises
   when a destination can be reached either within a network or via
   another network which is connected to the first network in two (or
   more) places.  For example, the ARPANET and the WBCNET will be
   connected in four places.  It may be better for messages from Boston
   to Los Angeles to go one hop in the ARPANET then via WBCNET then one
   hop in the ARPANET, than cross country via many hops in the ARPANET.
   Another example, is a large Packet Radio environment surrounding a
   small ARPANET style network.  Messages from one packet radio to
   another packet radio on the opposite side of the environment might
   best be forwarded through the ARPANET style net rather than via many
   PRNET repeaters.  This out-of-net crossnet routing is a difficult
   decision to make by current procedures.  (The latter example was
   described as a "cloud of packet radios."  First we had a flying PR,
   now we have a whole cloud!  I hope it doesn't rain!!!)


   Jerry Saltzer presented his ideas on routing in a collection of local
   network in a campus environment.  Much of the strategy is based on
   the lack of central control over the environment.

   A Name Server will be provided that will supply route information to
   be used in the source route.  Source routing permits gateways to be

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   very simple, and allows the end user some control over the route.
   The latter is good for trouble shooting, and performance control.

   These ideas are described in IENs 143 and 144 which were distributed
   at the meeting.


   Dave Clark discussed some studies about what to do when a Source
   Quench message arrives.  A simulation program was used to try various
   methods.  All were bad.  The delay in the feedback loop is quite
   large and some information needs to be supplied about how far away
   (in time) the bottleneck is.


   Jon Postel and Bill Plummer discussed some of the issues in logical
   host support.  The problem came up with a desire to run the testing
   gateway at the same time as the regular IP.  This is not possible but
   points out the need for the IP layer to support the multiple logical
   host concept.


   The "distributed bakeoff" was too distributed in space and time to be
   as effective as one would like.  Some good things did come from it.
   (E.g. see Dave Mills messages).  It was felt that the next time it
   should be scheduled for one day and with the participants in two or
   three locations.

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   The next meeting will be held at RSRE in Malvern, England, on 7,8,
   and 9 October 1980.  Attendance will be restricted so if you plan to
   attend please clear that with Vint Cerf and notify Linda.  John Laws
   will be the host and information about the local arrangements will be
   distributed at an early date.  Malvern is about two and one half
   hours by train from London.


   1.  Resolution of the Partitioned Net Problem - Cerf

   2.  Proposal for Controlled Routing - Cohen

   3.  Experience with VAN Gateways - Brescia, Kirstein

   4.  Demonstration of Interim Internet Mail - Postel

   5.  Performance Evaluation Parameters - SRI

   6.  Name Server Demonstration - SRI

   7.  New ST Document and Explanation - Cohen, Forgie, Hoversten

   8.  Tiny Pipe Nets vs. the Catenet - Mills

   9.  Congestion Control - Clark


   1.  XNET Specification - Haverty, Strazisar, Mathis, Tomlinson

   2.  Tenex running TCP4 - Plummer

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APPENDICES:  Small Group Discussions

A.  FTP and Mail

   Need to extend current style of computer mail to work in the
   internet.  The extension of "Mailbox@Host" to "Mailbox@Host@Net" may
   not be acceptable because too many programs must be changed.  Rather
   something like "Mailbox@Place" is suggested.  This gives all hosts at
   least one global name for mail purposes.  (Will there be a name
   czar?)  "Place" is going to have to map to a 32-bit internet address.
   The mailer will have to try to send the mail via TCP if both source
   and destination know that or via NCP if both know that or if one is
   TCP only host and other is a NCP only host via a forwarding host that
   knows both and provides a special forwarding function.

   Postel will produce an IEN on this topic.


   Brief discussion of FTP and default data ports.  The data ports
   should be U and L-1 so that port pairs are not required in the users
   portspace.  Also it seems OK to use the new reply codes.

C.  Measurements

   Tools are needed for measurements, for example, echo servers, and
   time stamps.  Echo servers can be TCP based, UDP based, or use the
   GGP; but more are needed.  Timestamp needs and desirable properties
   will be described in a memo by Rob Cole and Andy Bates.  Jack
   Haverty's forthcoming IEN on a traffic generator should help too.  Ed
   Cain has a report on a TCP Tester.  Also note the CMCC facilities.

D.  Fault Isolation

   This discussion was subtitled "What to do when things go wrong."  The
   conclusion was "try another gateway."

E.  Transport Layer Specification

   Richard Tenney is working on a task at BBN (under contract from NBS)
   to specify a Transport Protocol.  He is developing a specification
   methodology along the way.  Richard had some questions about the TCP
   specification and the actual behavior of real TCPs.  The main
   questions had to do with out-of-order data, resets, and closing

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   Richard noted that we all should look at some NBS reports:

      "Draft Features Analysis of Transport Protocols"

      "Draft Service Specifications of Transport Protocols"

   obtainable from John Heafner of NBS (Heafner@NBS-10).

F.  Fragmentation and Reassembly

   Fragmentation and Reassembly must be implemented so that datagrams of
   up to 576 octets (including header) may traverse the catenet.  It is
   proposed to hold a special bakeoff to test this capability in early

G.  Gateway-Gateway Protocol

   Discussion of how much of this must be known by the hosts.  The
   messages:   Source Quench, Destination (Host/Net) Unreachable,
   Redirect, Echo/Echo Reply.  Much discussion of error reporting should
   it be in GGP or IP?  (The current IP error option seems useless).
   Postel will write a memo on error reporting (including who processes
   which errors).

H.  IP Option Overflow

   The problem is that some IP header option fields (e.g., return route,
   timestamp) may expand, causing the maximum header size to be
   exceeded.  Ways to handle this might be: (1) discard the packet, (2)
   expandable options should have an "overflowed" flag which gets set
   when they can't grow any more and the packet is forwarded without
   expanding the option, (3) expandable option should be sent with
   filler so header is "right" or max length to start with.  On header
   overflow both source and destination hosts should be told out about
   the error.  The issue was not resolved.  But the problem should be
   discussed in an "Implementers Guide."

   An additional problem concerns making full length fragments when
   variable length options are present making it likely that the first
   fragment will overflow the next maximum packet size and have to be
   further fragmented later.  One suggestion is to leave the first
   fragment not quite full in such a case.

I.  Name Server

   SRI will implement a name server.  It will be an extension of the one
   specified in IEN 116.

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J.  Acknowledgement Algorithms - Adaptive Timeouts

   There seems to be a lot of ACK traffic so maybe ACKs should be sent
   on a periodic basis rather than on an event basis.  The
   retransmission strategy also needs to be smarter.  Could it be
   negotiated?  Type of service should be a consideration in these
   algorithms.  Bill Plummer and Andy Bates will conduct an experiment.
   Idea:  set retransmission time according to the Network at the other
   end of the connection.

K.  ARPANET Problems

   The "8 messages outstanding at a time" problem was discussed.  It
   turns out that the maximum messages in transit can often be less than
   8 due to heavy loads at the destination IMP.  It seems that the only
   solution to this is to provide more buffers and message blocks in the
   busy IMPs.


   IEN        Author       Title
   ---        ------       -----
   131        Flood Page   Gateway Monitoring Protocol
   132        Flood Page   The CMCC Terminal Process
   133        Sollins      The TFTP Protocol
   134        Postel       Internet Meeting Notes-4,5, & 6 February 1980
   135        Sunshine     Addressing Mobile Hosts in the ARPA Internet
   136        Wiseman      Memory Management Extensions to the Micro
                           Operation System for PDP-11/23/34/35/40
   137        Cohen        On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace
   138        Shoch        Initial Comparison of EPRs and IPR in the Pup
                           Internet Environment
   139        Haverty      HOSTs as IMPs
   140        Shoch        Mutual Encapsulation of Internetwork
   141        Bennett      Message System Issues
   142        Postel       Time Server


   IEN        Author       Title
   ---        ------       -----
   143        Saltzer      Environment Considerations for Campus-Wide
   144        Saltzer      Source Routing for Campus-Wide Internet

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   Vint Cerf                ARPA               Cerf@ISIA
   Mike Brescia             BBN                Brescia@BBNE
   Ross Callon              BBN                RCALLON@BBND
   Len Evenchik             BBN                EVENCHIK@BBNE
   Gil Falk                 BBN
   Jack Haverty             BBN                JHAVERTY@BBND
   Dale McNeill             BBN                DMCNEILL@BBNE
   David Flood Page         BBN                DFLOODPAGE@BBNE
   Ruth Nelson              BBN                RNelson@BBND
   Radia Perlman            BBN                PERLMAN@BBN
   William Plummer          BBN                Plummer@BBNA
   Virginia Strazisar       BBN                STRAZISAR@BBNA
   Hoi Y. Chong             COMSAT             Chong@ISIE
   Chris Elliott            CTEC               CTEC@BBNC
   Ed Cain                  DCEC               Cain@EDN-UNIX
   Jim Showalter            DCEC               gamma@EDN-UNIX
   Michael Begun            DEC                BEGUN@DEC-MARLBORO
   Ray McFarland            DoD                McFARLAND@ISIA
   Ken Shotting             DoD                Shotting@SRI-KL
   Danny Cohen              ISI                Cohen@ISIB
   Jon Postel               ISI                Postel@ISIF
   Carl Sunshine            ISI                Sunshine@ISIF
   Estil Hoversten          Linkabit           Hoversten@ISIA
   Jim Forgie               Lincoln Lab        FORGIE@BBN
   Noel Chiappa             MIT                JNC@MIT-XX
   David Clark              MIT                Clark@MIT-Multics
   Steve Kent               MIT                STK@MIT-XX
   Jerry Saltzer            MIT                Saltzer@MIT-Multics
   Karen Sollins            MIT                Sollins@MIT-XX
   Anita Skelton            MITRE              Anita@MITRE
   Frank Deckelman          NAVELEX            DECKELMAN@ISIA
   Yngvar Lundh             NDRE               Yngvar@SRI-KA
   Oyvind Hvinden           NDRE               Oyvind@SRI-KA
   Glen Allgaier            NOSC               ALLGAIER@ISIC
   Merle Neer               NOSC               Neer@ISIA
   Andrew Bates             RSRE               RSRE-T4@ISIE
   John Laws                RSRE               RSRE-T4@ISIE
   Ron Kunzelman            SRI                Kunzelman@SRI-KL
   Jim Mathis               SRI                Mathis@SRI-KL
   Holly Nelson             SRI                HNelson@SRI-KL
   Ed Perry                 SRI                Perry@SRI-KL
   Robert Cole              UCL                UKSAT@ISIE
   Peter Kirstein           UCL                PKIRSTEIN@ISIA
   Bob Braden               UCLA OAC           Braden@UCLA-CCN

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